
My guinea pigs.

by - 19:47

Hello there.
I'm on a roll with these blog posts lately, I'm doing well and I havent given up yet *yey*.
So I got my guinea pigs a week on Saturday and I've found out a lot about them so I thought I'd share it with you. Well, first of all my guinea pigs names are Obi-Wan (Pignobi) and Anakin (Pigwalker), that's what I decided to name them because Star Wars are my favourite films.
Also, they're both males.

Anakin (top) and Obi-Wan (bottom), aren't they cute?

So one thing I've noticed is whenever I play Eminem or Drake, they go nuts and start popcorning everywhere. (If you don't know what popcorning is, take a look at this adorable video here) They basically just leap about and make the cutest squeaking noises, it means they're very happy. So I have gangster piggies basically.

This is Anakin being silly and thinking he's a model. Vogue.

Another thing I've noticed is that Obi-Wan seems to be very camera shy and runs away when there's a camera/phone nearby whereas Anakin clearly loves the attention, he's definitely going to be a piggie model someday.
That's me and Anakin, as I said, he's a bit of a camera whore, aw.

So that's all I've really found out about the guinea pigs as of yet. I'll be sure to do update posts on the guinea pigs as they're my favourite things, they're adorable.

That's all for now.
Rachel. xo

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