
MINI HAUL: Clothing, Phone Cases and Make Up.

by - 21:33

Hi guys!
So as of late I haven't been in the best of moods so I decided, why not spend the small amount of money I've been saving for a few weeks and that's exactly what I did! Some of this stuff is definitely of an acquired taste and won't be everybody's cup of tea, but these are the types of things I like so, whatever.

1. Arctic Monkeys Tie Dye T-Shirt (link): £9.99 w/£1.99 shipping.
No, it's not an officially licensed Arctic Monkeys shirt, but I'd just been liking them so much lately and when I saw this on the 'tie dye t-shirt' search page on eBay I just had to grab it. It comes in many other colours aswell.

2. Pikachu Happy Face T-Shirt (link): £9.69 w/£2.95 shipping.
I saw this shirt and just fell in love, I was searching for logo/movie t-shirts and this one popped up and ugh JUST LOOK AT HIS LITTLE FACE. Adorable.

3. Doctor Who "University of Gallifrey: Time Lord Academy" T-Shirt (link): £9.99 w/£2 shipping.
Well, there's not much I can say about it besides LOOK HOW COOL IT IS?! I'm obsessed with Doctor Who, and I wish I would have find this last Summer before I went to the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff.

4. Disney Princess Silly Face iPhone 4/4S Case (link): £3.99.
Unfortunately I had bought the last phone case on that listing but I have linked one closest to the price of the one I have ordered, the one linked is £5.98 w/£0.98 shipping.
Well, Disney Princesses are my favourite things ever. Disney all together is my favourite thing ever, I've been eyeing up this phone case for aaages but I couldn't bring myself to do it because I have a phone case addiction basically, haha, but I did it! 

5. In The Buff Palette by W7 Make Up (link): £6.48.
So, it seems like since Christmas, every British beauty blogger has been raving about this palette and about how it's a better dupe for one of the Naked palettes than the MUA palettes are, so I went into town yesterday looking in every shop that I know sells W7 products, and there was no In The Buff Palette to be seen, I looked on normal beauty sites and it was sold out on every site, so I just went ahead and spent a couple of pounds more for one from eBay, I'm so desperate to try it, hahah.

Oh my gosh, I completely forgotten to mention my new 'smart' shoes. I've been after some new shoes that I can wear to a potential job or job interview and wanted them to have a bit of my general fashion sense about them, kind of edgy (god I hate that word) and grungy (hate that word too. I'm cringing so hard right now.)

Different Class Patent Shoes by Schuh (link): Reduced from £40 to £9.99.
As they are reduced, I'm not sure if they're reducing them to clear or if once all the sizes go out of stock, they'll put them back up to £40, but I absolutely adore them. I like how they have the look of creepers and loafers rolled into one.

I've been so MIA lately and I apologise for that, I promise I will do at least 3 blog posts this week, and if I don't then feel free to tweet me and have a go at me, haha! (My twitters are @anxiouschapter and @racheloverboard by the way ;o)

That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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