
HAUL: Amazon. (1p DVD's and Make Up.)

by - 15:59

Hey guys!
So last night I went on a bit of an online shopping spree, this time, I went a bit crazy on the DVD's.
There's this amazing seller on Amazon called 'zoverstocks' and they sell used DVD's on there for 1p with Amazon's standard £1.26 postage price.
Admittedly, the majority of these DVD's are ones I've owned previously and lost, like Mean Girls, or ones I've already since but don't own on DVD. (I'm trying to expand on my DVD collection.)
I also bought a few make up bits that I've been missing from my collection for quite some time.

1. Bride of Chucky: 1p (+£1.26 shipping)
Bride of Chucky has been one of my favourite films for a long long time, but I've never actually owned it on DVD, it's just always a film that if it's ever on Sky Movies, I will watch it every time. The Chucky franchise are my favourite films in general and I'm trying to get them all on DVD.

2. Mean Girls: 1p (+£1.26 shipping)
Mean Girls is everyone's favourite movie, let's be honest. I've owned it on DVD for years now but recently I lost the disc and I gave up looking, so I just bought it again and for £1.27, you can't really complain.

3. American Beauty: 1p (+£1.26 shipping)
I've never seen American Beauty before actually, but my mum's been recommending it to me for ages now, I did actually buy it for £2 from eBay a few months ago, before realising that I'd bought the Region 1 version which isn't playable on any UK bought device unless you hack your DVD player or whatever, so I bought it again, but this time I made sure it's Region 2.

I absolutely adore black and white horror movies (well, I just love horror movies in general) but the awful make up and special effects just amuse me so much and I bought this purely for House on Haunted Hill, but it actually worked out more expensive to buy that by itself and then I found it in a boxset with two other black and white horror movies. I was in my element, haha! Plus, wasn't Vincent Price just gorgeous?

5. Fight Club: 1p (+£1.26 shipping)
I've only seen Fight Club a couple of time but it's basically a classic and it needs to be in my collection, so I bought it, that's all I can say really.

6. Drive (2012): 73p (+£1.26 shipping)
Drive is also one of my favourite films (I have a lot of favourites ok) and I own every other Ryan Gosling movie on DVD except for this one so I had to buy it when I saw how cheap it was.

7. Burt's Bees Pink Grapefruit Lip Balm: £2.49 (free shipping)
I've recently ran out of the Beeswax Lip Balm by Burt's Bees and it's safe to say that it's my favourite lip balm, I can never find Burts Bees lip balms in any of my local drugstores, so I resulted to ordering it online, turns out it's about £1 cheaper aswell! If I like the flavoured lip balms, I'll probably buy the mango flavoured one next.

8. Sleek Face Contour Kit in 'Light': £4.67 (free shipping)
I saw this has been reduced from £6.49 to £4.67 and I just had to buy it, I'd be eyeing up the face form kit for ages and I wasn't sure whether it was worth it, since I rarely wear blush, so when I ran out of the contour powder and highlighter, there'd be this little blush left in some huge pointless packaging, so I thought I'd buy the contour kit and the blush seperately. I'm excited to try it though.

9. Sleek Blush in 'Rose Gold': £3.23 (free shipping)
As I said in the above post about the contour kit, I bought this blush seperately as I adore the colour but I know I won't get as much use out of it as the contour kit and the packaging would be a problem if I bought the face form kit so. It's a gorgeous colour and from the reviews I've read, it's a perfect colour for pale people like myself.

Let me know any movies that you recommend, whether they're on DVD or Netflix. :-)
That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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