
LIFE UPDATE: Job Interview, The Waiting Game and TV.

by - 14:03

Hey guys!

So, this week's been pretty busy I suppose. Was in Norwich on Saturday with Abbie and her boyfriend Jon, went shopping and what not, it was cute, especially since I hadn't seen her in what felt like forever and I'd never met her boyfriend properly prior to Saturday, so that was fun. I then went back to Norwich with Shauna on Monday because the Ant & Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway Supercomputer was in Norwich doing filming. For those UK folk that don't know what that is, it's a Saturday night TV show and Ant & Dec are famous TV presenters over here and they go to different cities around the UK with this 'supercomputer' with the chance to win a holiday and all you have to do is act like an idiot and make the crowd laugh and you're almost guaranteed the tickets for the holiday. So anyway, me and Shauna were stood front row in the crowd and the camera's were on our face a lot of the time and chances are is we're going to be on TV acting like loons in the crowd. Shauna then decided it would be hilarious to join in on this couple's dance as they wanted the crowd to join in and Shauna got in front of the Supercomputer's front cameras and was line dancing. It's definitely going to be an interesting watch.

On Tuesday, I'd been invited to go to a job interview at a local doctor's surgery for an admin apprenticeship job, it was actually way better than I was expecting. I got there 10 minutes early, I was then taken into the interview room where I was told 'don't consider this an interview as such, think of it more of as an informal chat', they told me about the job, found out about my anxiety (probaby went through my medical records, this is the NHS we're talking about) and the women were so lovely. I then met the ladies who'd I'd be working with if I get the job and I then got a tour of the surgery, so that was nice. The women who interviewed me were always smiling and laughing at stuff I was saying and they said that if they weren't already aware of my anxiety, they wouldn't even think I suffer with an anxiety disorder as I seemed quite 'cheery and confident' so that was nice to hear.

So I'm actually supposed to be at a job interview right now, a few hours ago I decided it really isn't worth it. For an apprentices salary, I'd be earning £400 a month and £129 of that would be spent on monthly bus fare and then £80 a month would be spent on rent to pay my parents, so really, working 40 hours a week to only earn just under £200 a month is a bit ridiculous. (The reason the bus fare is so much is that this job is about 40 minutes away and I have to get two buses whereas the other job is a mile away and a 5 minutes bus ride away and it's only £21 a month to get there)
So me and my mum decided it isn't really worth me going to the interview, because I told her that even if I did get offered the job, I wouldn't take it because it's just not worth it.

So, this week's been pretty fun I suppose, now I'm just playing the waiting game and waiting to hear back from Tuesday's interview. Stupid me, I forgot to ask how long it would likely be that they'd get in touch with me, wah.

What have you guys been up to lately?
That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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