

by - 00:30

Hey guys!

So basically I've been world's worst blogger lately, I've been blogging maybe 5 times a month and that just isn't acceptable. I've been so unorganised as of late, so any organisational tips would be brill! I had a pretty okay month in March I suppose, still no luck on the job front though, went for an interview and the next day they told me they didn't want to hire me, so that sucked. And last night I discovered that favourite YouTubers Charles and Alli Trippy (CTFxC) have separated, that was strange. I've been watching their videos every day for 4 years and I haven't missed a video (they hold the world record for most consecutive daily vlogs) and it's just sad. I feel like they've always been there when I needed a smile on my face and now that's kind of all over, so I've been on and off crying and watching their videos, haha.
On a lighter note, here's my March favourites!

Songs I've been loving this month:
Oh Bo & Art is Dead - Bo Burnham.
Sad Song, I Feel Alive & Just Keep Breathing - We The Kings.
Broken Crown - Mumford & Sons.
Take It Away - The Used.
Cry - The Used.
Jude Law and a Semester Abroad - Brand New.

Movies I've been loving this month:
Sex and The City: The Movie 1 & 2.
Hostel 1, 2 & 3.
Clerks II.
The Exorcist.
What. (Bo Burnham's latest stand-up show)
Cabin Fever 2.

TV Shows I've been loving this month:
I've been absolutely loving The IT Crowd, Richard Ayoade is absolutely fall of your chair, crying on the floor hilarious and I've also been loving Sex and The City, I've only watched about 6 episodes but I love it and I'm absolutely begging for the box set for my birthday in May, hahaha.

Drinks I've been loving this month:
Juiceburst's Blood Orange Juice (it's a mixture of carrot juice and blood orange juice, mm) and Capri Sun.

Food I've been loving this month:
Daim pieces and Ristorante mozarella pizza, yum.

Make up products I've been loving this month:
Rimmel lipstick in 'Oxford St. Fuschia', Sleek contour palette and Collection eyebrow definer pencil in 'black'.

Life favourites:
Is it bad if I say nothing? Like seriously, nothing exciting happened in March at all. I spent 99% of my time indoors either watching movies or job hunting, hahaha.

Am I looking forward to anything next month?
Well, since that implies April, which we're already into (as I decided to write this blog post almost half way into April, ok not really but whatever), there's a few birthdays in my household this month, it's my little sister's birthday on April 20th and she's turning 13, aw, and it's my mum's birthday on April 29th so that'll be nice.
May is full of exciting things though, woo!

I hope you're all doing great! And hopefully, if my motivation isn't at 2% like it has been lately, I should be definitely writing more posts. :-)

That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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