

by - 14:11

(L to R) 1. I spend my nights reading Elle magazine and eating sushi. || 2. I went to see Rachel for a little while after not seeing her for over a month. || 3. I dyed my hair black and cut in a full fringe. || 4. I went bargain book hunting and found some gems in the charity shops.

(L to R) 1. Buying Grand Theft Auto V is probably the worst thing I've ever done, I'm now addicted. || 2. Dad got excited over his new tablet that he got for Christmas. || 3. I got really drunk on Christmas day, no change there. || 4. Christmas morning was the cutest thing.

I hope you all had a lovely December!
I hope you all have lovely new years celebrations planned also! :-)

That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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