

by - 15:49

Hey guys!

So for Christmas I recently received a journal and what better way to start it off than write a list of New Years resolutions that I probably won't stick to?
I'm also not sure what category to put this in because a lot of it is to do with my mental health but I don't know if it should go in my mental health section of my blog because it's not really helping anyone else but myself, ahhh, how annoying.

Let's go!

  1. By the end of the year I hope to be able to stop letting people walk all over me.
    Let me elaborate. I've always been the person who's there for everybody and I'm always the shoulder to cry on, but funnily enough those people that I'm there for are never really there for me, so I'm going to do something about that. Also, I've never been able to stand up for myself, I just let people talk down to me and it's always me helping them out with things and when I need something or just want to talk they're always too busy or just have no time for me and I'm sick of it, so that's stopping.
  2. I will try to leave the house much more often and not let me social anxiety/agoraphobia get any worse.
    I've hardly left the house in the past 3 months. I might leave the house like twice a month at a push and I usually don't last more than an hour without feeling like I'm about to have a panic attack.
  3. I will stick to a certain diet and exercise routine. All I really do nowadays is sit on the sofa, sat at my laptop and I either forget to eat or I overeat. I'd quite like to try out the 5:2 diet which is basically where you eat a normal balanced diet for 5 days and then on two non-consecutive days you'll be on a severe calorie restriction. That usually means you can eat 500 calories on each of the two fasting days. So that sounds fun! I've also recently considered buying Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred DVD so I'll be doing cardio daily aswell.
  4. I will allow myself more time to get stuff done if I need it. Like when I was at college I was always panicking about my coursework and rushing to get stuff finished when I knew that if I'd have asked my tutor for a short extension, she probably wouldn't have had a problem with it. But I'd hand in unfinished work or rushed work that wasn't to the best of my ability and get I'd get in even more trouble.
  5. I will not let my negative thoughts take over and control my life again. This year has been so hard what with exams and starting college and my negative thoughts were just out of control which has resulted in my anxiety being the worst it's ever been, now I don't have to deal with either of those two things and my negative thoughts are still being a little bitch, so next year I'm going to work on shutting out that annoying part of my brain and focus on doing better.
  6. I will blog more. Again with the allowing more time to get stuff done, I feel like I've been slacking with blogging, I've either not had the motivation to blog or I've done a blog post and it's just been so rushed that I want to delete it shortly after publishing it.
  7. I will try to stop stressing over stupid things. I stress about everything, it must drive my friends and family mental but that's just me. I'm aware I have obsessive compulsive tendancies and that's probably why but pathetic things like, if my make up doesn't look okay, I will take off my whole face of make up and spend another hour redoing it, which sounds crazy but I suppose it is. If my hair isn't perfectly straight I'll spend as long as it takes to get every hair on my head perfectly straight and it's just not fun.
I hope you guys have so much fun celebrating new years tonight (and don't get too drunk ;o).
I'd love to hear your new years resolutions.

Thanks for reading,
Rachel. xo

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