
HAUL: DVD's & Video Games.

by - 10:13

So movies and video games are my favourite things to spend my money on, why? Because you can pretty much keep them forever. So when I was let loose with £60 CEX store credit and £20 in cash, you know what I did. Might I just say, CEX is the worst company I've ever had to do business with, their customer service is absolutely awful, their staff are useless and ugh. THEY EVEN MISSED AN ITEM OFF MY ORDER, which is why you're not seeing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time for the Nintendo DS in this photo, because the idiots forgot it. So without further adieu, here we gooooo.

(L to R) Saw Quadrilogy (Saw, Saw II, Saw III and Saw IV), Mallrats, Let The Right One In, Let Me In, Happy Feet, American Dreamz, Aladdin, The Mighty Boosh Live, This Is England, The Shining, Tangled, Bioshock (Steel Tin Edition for Xbox 360), Bioshock 2 (Xbox 360), The Legend Of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Nintendo DS) and Lego Lord of The Rings (Nintendo DS).

Saw Quadrilogy - £6 from CEX.
I absolutely adore everything Saw, it's probably one of my most loved movie franchises. For £6 I thought this quadrilogy was an absolute steal.

Mallrats - 99p (+£1.20 for P+P) from eBay.
Jay and Silent Bob are basically my favourite characters ever. I've just adore all of the movies that they appear in and they just make the movies they're in like 50 times better. Mallrats is just hilarious and I highly recommend it.

Let The Right One In - £1.27 from eBay.
So I've been looking to get this DVD for ages but I was umming and ahhing about it for months because I wasn't sure I'd enjoy it and that's purely because of the subtitle situation (this film is in Swedish so), I haven't got round to watching it yet but I've heard good things. When I last went up to Essex to visit my friend Joe, he had LTROI and Let Me In on his DVD shelf and he told me they're both really good so why not.

Let Me In - £1.90 from eBay.
I knew as soon as I saw this film for under £2 that I was going to buy it. Chloe Moretz is one of my favourite actresses and she's in this film so there was no way I could not buy this. I'm really looking forward to watching this. This is the British-American remake of Let The Right One In so that means, Chloe Moretz and no subtitles, woo!

Happy Feet - £1 from eBay.
So I basically just bought this to replace my other version of this DVD which my sister decided to snap in half when she was in a mood with me, not cool, Hannah. Happy Feet is the cutest film ever if you're into singing and tap-dancing penguins, this is the film for you.

American Dreamz - £1 from eBay.
American Dreamz is a great film and I needed the DVD version of this film to complete my Hugh Grant collection (yes, I own every single one of his movies on DVD, don't judge.) All I'm going to say is, it's a comedy about a singing talent show and politics, if that hasn't intrigued you I don't know what will.

Aladdin is my favourite Disney movie tied with The Little Mermaid and Tangled so when I saw this for £5 I had to grab it, which is such a great price considering it's the special edition musical masterpiece edition. I don't know what you're doing with your life if you've never seen Aladdin. I feel for you, I really do, haha.

The Mighty Boosh Live - 99p (+£1.10 P+P) from eBay.
Well, to start off with, the seller actually sent me the wrong DVD, they were meant to send me The Mighty Boosh Live: Future Sailors Tour DVD but instead sent me the original 2006 live tour DVD, which I didn't mind so much considering it was only like £2, now if I'd have spent £6 on it brand new or something I probably would have complained, haha.

This Is England - £3.19 from eBay.
This Is England is up there in my favourite movies list, I've seen it on TV a few times but never got round to owning it on DVD and was rather disheartened when the day I ordered it, I look on US Netflix and it was on there. :-( So really, I probably didn't have to spend £3 on the film because I'm sure it's going to stay on Netflix for a while.

The Shining - £2.50 from CEX.
The Shining is my favourite book ever and the film version is just as good as the book, it hadn't been shown on Film4 or Sky Movies in a while and it wasn't on Netflix so I just had to buy this.

Tangled - £8 from CEX.
Okay, so kind of expensive considering it's pre-owned and you can get it on Amazon brand new for £7 but I mean I had £60 of store credit to use and I was basically desperate for this film on DVD so.

Not a bad price considering CEX were selling the normal edition for £5 also, so why not spend the same amount on a prettier looking case, haha. This is another game that Joe had recommended to me, he's literally obsessed with anything Bioshock so I thought I'd buy Bioshock and Bioshock 2.

Bioshock 2 (For Xbox 360) - £4 from CEX.
£9 for both Bioshock games is not bad so I just had to buy them both. I can't wait to play them as I've heard so many good things about them and yey.

Yet again, another incredibly overpriced item from CEX, I hesitated buying this because I could get it brand new for £12 elsewhere but as I said earlier, I had store credit that needed to be used up by 5th December so.

I'm getting the feeling that CEX really like to overcharge people but hey ho, store credit right, haha.
Lord of The Rings are great films and a video game version in Lego form has to be good right?

That's all for my DVD and video game haul,
I hope you enjoyed it.
That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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