
TAG: Get To Know Me.

by - 01:03

Hey guys!
It's been a while, I do apologise for the lack of blog posts lately, I've been having some real motivational problems lately and I've been trying my hardest to get into the 'christmas spirit' which has been kind of hard lately, but that's a whoooole other blog post. You will be seeing another blog post from me, either later on today or tomorrow, you should hopefully be seeing a charity shop book haul as I'm going out and raiding the charity shops with my little sister so that should be fun and maybe a Christmas Day outfit of the day on the 25th, if I can pluck up the courage to publish that one. I thought to ease myself back into blogging I'd do a tag, Charlotte from Girl In My Mirror tagged everybody who was reading her blog post to do this tag, so here I am, let's gooooo.

1. Do you have a middle name?
I do indeed, my middle name is Sarah. How boring. *yawn*

2. What was your favourite subject in school?
Definitely English literature, that was one of the only GCSE's I didn't mess up due to my anxiety. For the first year of it, I liked photography aswell but then my teacher became a bitch and didn't believe I'd get more than an E. I got a C, so that showed her.

3. What's your favourite drink?
Definitely, without a doubt, Pink Lemonade Lucozade. And Pepsi Max, duh.

4. What's your favourite song at the moment?
Gah, don't do this to me please! :-( Based on my most played this month, I'd go with Talk A Walk by Passion Pit and Live for The Night by Krewella. I may or may not have bought the Carrie soundtrack after seeing it at the cinema a couple of weeks ago.

5. What would you name your children?
If it was a boy, Dante. If it was a girl, either Arcadia or Anastasia.

6. Do you participate in any sports?
Um, does Zumba count?

7. What's your favourite book?
I'm beginning to really dislike whoever came up with this tag. I have about 3. Carrie by Stephen King, Girl Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen and The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

8. What's your favourite colour?
Mint green and pink.

9. What's your favourite animal?
Penguins for sure.

10. What's your favourite perfume?
Probably Katy Perry's Killer Queen.

11. What's your favourite holiday?
Definitely either Halloween, so that I can watch horror movies freely without people judging me (people do that ugh) or Christmas.

12. Have your graduated from high school?
Yep, May this year.

13. Have you been out of the country?
Many times, usually to other european countries or the canary islands. I've been to Florida once, that was cool.

14. Do you speak any other languages?
I'd like to say yes since I studied it for 7 years, but French was not my strong point. I got a D in that in my final exams, um.

15. Do you have any siblings?
Yes, a little sister called Hannah. She's 12.

16. What's your favourite store?
Probably not classed as a 'store' but ASOS, or New Look.

17. What's your favourite restaurant?
I don't think I have one. Maybe Pizza Hut, haha.

18. Do you like school?
I actually really miss school, at the time I hated it but I really miss the friends I had in school. It's sad that I only kept in contact with maybe 4 of them.

19. Who are some of your favourite YouTubers?
Becca Rose, Sarah Hawkinson, DailyGrace, Zoella, MrRepzion, SprinkleofGlitter and iJustine.

20. What's your favourite movie?
I'm not even going to answer this probably. I'll give you a rough idea of my favourite movies but these are just my favourites that I can think of off the top of my head, there's like 100.
Aladdin, Tangled, This Is England, all the Saw films, Carrie (2013), Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, The Shining, The Grinch, Kick-Ass, Kick-Ass 2, The Great Gatsby, all of the Star Wars films.

21. What are some of your favourite TV shows?
Cake Boss (no shame), Doctor Who, The Carrie Diaries, New Girl, Gavin & Stacey (I actually went on a pilgrimage to Barry Island this summer just to see the houses and the sea front. I even bought 3 Gavin & Stacey tea towels in the arcade where Nessa works, hahaha.) Misfits, Trollied and many others.

22. PC or Mac?
I absolutely adore Macs, as I had to work on them for 2 years during my time of doing photography. If I had a mac and a PC sat in front of me and I had to pick one to keep, I'd probably keep the mac.

23. What phone do you have?
White iPhone 4s 64gb.

24. How tall are you?
4'11". Don't even judge okay. I'm a short arse. :-(

25. Any pets?
Well my own personal pets, my two guinea pigs; Obi-Wan and Anakin. But household pets, two lovebirds called Shrek and Fiona, two budgies called Jack and Sally and two rabbits called Pixie and Dixie.

I tag anyone reading this right now!

That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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