
TAG: Confessions of a Beauty Blogger.

by - 20:29

How many hours a week do you spend planning/writing/uploading blog posts?
On an average week, I'd say about 2+ hours planning blog posts. 1-2 hours editing photos. 1-3 hours writing and uploading. So about 7 hours.

Are you a spender or a saver?
Definitely a spender, the moment I have any money in my bank account I have to spend it. It's probably not the best way to live, but oh well!

When is it easiest for you to write blog posts?
I basically just have so much free time lately that I just write them whenever I can, haha! Usually evenings though, I'm more relaxed in the evenings.

What makes writing posts comfortable for you?
I like writing blog posts in the living room for some reason, I like to be near people when I write them as I can get feedback from them before I publish the post. If my mum doesn't like the blog post, it won't get published, haha!

What's your worst makeup/hair habit?
I dye my hair far too much which has now lead my hair to be in awful condition. I also leave way too long to clean my brushes, gross I know but I'm lazy.

What's one quote you wish the world would live by?
I have no idea. Maybe "The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein.

How long do you spend getting ready?
Not including a shower. 15 minutes for make up, 15 minutes for hair and 10 minutes getting dressed. 
So just under an hour.

What's your favourite post on your blog?
I'd say my two mental health posts have got the most attention and such a good response. In the way of beauty related posts, probably my Undress Me Too Palette review, it was my first blog post and my favourite blog post of them all.

Who is a beauty blogger that you think deserves more subscribers than they have?
Definitely Vanessa of Citron and Guavaberry, she just produces the funniest beauty posts and for a lot of beauty bloggers, you don't get that sense of comedy in their posts. If I were you, I'd follow her if you love Doge references. ;o
Also, Charlotte of Girl in My Mirror, she's just a lovely girl and produces some great posts! She's been in the blogging world around the same amount of time as me so yeah, follow her please!

What's one thing you're excited about in the coming year?
I don't know, not a lot at the moment. I haven't really made any plans to do anything this far in advance. I'll probably go on holiday with the family, so that'll be fun.

What's been your favourite blogging moment?
Probably getting to 30 overall followers. I was pretty shocked that I'd even get up that amount after only a month of blogging, so yey!

How long does it take to prep for a blog post?
Depends what kind of post I'm doing. If it's a review, about an hour as I have to take pictures, edit them, upload them. If it's a mental health post about the same amount of time as I have to make sure all of the information is correct. And for a tag like this, none at all, just brain power.

Are you wearing jeans/skirt right now, or are you wearing pyjama bottoms?
I'm currently wearing pyjama bottoms as I like to be comfortable when blogging.

What are you most proud of in your life?
I'm not entirely sure. I suppose, attempting to face my fears. I may not have succeeded but I tried and that's all anyone can ask of me. :-)

I tag everybody that's reading this right now!
So, go go go.

That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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