
TAG: This or That.

by - 16:53

Hey guys!
So, I'm pretty sure I haven't posted anything in maybe, a week? I've kind of had a lot going on lately but I'm not going to going into detail, plus, super lacking in motivation still but I'm going to do an 'easy' blog post today, haha!
Charlotte at A Cageless Bird did this tag and she tagged everyone who read her post so, here we go, I'm gonna do it.

This Or That,

Make up:

Blush or Bronzer?
Bronzer. I'm pale, so adding something that'll just make my cheeks rosy won't really suffice, haha!

Lip gloss or Lipstick?
Lipstick lipstick lipstick. Lip gloss freaks me out, like what's the appeal of putting sticky stuff all over your lips? (That's what she said, hahaha.)

Eyeliner or Mascara?
Mascara, my eyelashes are pretty long anyways but I don't feel comfortable not wearing mascara. Plus, I feel like 12 year old goth child when I was eyeliner.

Foundation or Concealer?
Foundation, I have such an uneven skin tone so that needs to be covered up, plus if I'm having a good skin day I can get away with wearing just foundation.

Neutral or Colour eyeshadow?
Neutral, definitely. I may wear the odd purple here and there but always neutral.

Pressed or Loose eyeshadows?
Well considering I've never tried a loose eyeshadow, I'll go with pressed, it's probably way less messy too.

Brushes or sponges?
Brushes 5eva. I find sponges really unhygienic and harder to clean (even them stupid Beauty Blenders).


OPI or China Glaze?
OPI, although I don't wear nail polish because of how disgustingly short my nails are.

Long or Short?
Short nails is all I've known since I first learned how to use my mouth, hahaha. When I'm anxious I bite my nails (so like all the time really.)

Acrylic or Natural?
Well I'd love to try acrylics, maybe that help with the nail biting but for now natural I suppose.

Brights or Darks?
Always brights.

Flower or No Flower?
Um, no flower.


Perfume or Body Splash?
Well, I have no idea what body splash is, so perfume.

Lotion or Body Butter?
Really doesn't bother me, they both do the same thing, right? Since I own more of these, I'll go with body lotion.

Body Wash or Soap?
Always body wash, soap is too much of a hassle.

Lush or Other Bath Company?
Lush are alright, but I'd always choose The Body Shop over them, soz.


Jeans or Sweatpants?
I despise jeans, so sweatpants (I'd never leave the house wearing them though, don't worry.) I almost always wearing a skirt with leggings.

Long sleeve or short?
Doesn't matter, I always wear something long sleeved over the top of any shirt anyways so.

Stripes or Plaid?
Plaid, for sure.

Flip flops or Sandals?
Ew feet no. Neither neither neither. If I had to pick, sandals.

Scarves or Hats?
Oh, that's a hard one. I've got a collection of about 30 beanies now but I wear a scarf pretty much everyday. Scarves, waaah.

Studs or Dangly Earrings?

Necklaces or Bracelets?
Depends, I wear bracelets everyday but I love necklaces so much more (it's just harder to match necklaces with an outfit.)

Heels or Flats?
Flats all the way omg.

Cowboy or Riding Boots?
Cowboy boots are the best boots ever.

Jacket or Hoodie?
Jacket probably, I wear a hoodies more when I'm lounging around the house.

Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe?
Forever 21 since I've ordered a few times from them and they exist in the UK, unlike Charlotte Russe.

Abercrombie or Hollister?
Walking into Hollister is a terrifying experience, IT'S SO DARK OMG. But they make the nicest body sprays, so Hollister.

Saks 5th or Nordstrom?
I'm sorry, what are those?


Curly or Straight?
My hair's naturally almost ringlet like curly and I hate it, so straight.

Bun or Ponytail?
My hair's to short to put in a bun so ponytail.

Bobby Pins or Butterfly Grips?
Bobby pins definitely, butterfly grips hurt my head.

Hairspray or Gel?
Gel makes my hair looks so greasy, ew. Hairspray is the way to go.

Long or Short?
I've had short hair for like 3 years now because it just won't grow and I hate it and extensions don't blend with my hair so I'll go with long.

Light or Dark?
I loved my white/silver hair and my purple hair too! But I like the look of my black hair at the moment, really contrasts with my ghost white face, hahaha.

Side Swept Bangs or Full Bangs?
At the moment I have kind of 'Bettie bangs' if you can call them that and I love it, so full bangs.

Up or Down?
Always down! I hate when my hair's up.


Rain or Shine?
I like when it sunny but not hot, haha!

Autumn or Spring?
Autumn, because again, it's still quite sunny but less heat.

East Coast or West Coast?
I'm going to assume this tag was made by an American, haha. I live like half an hour away from the East coast as I live in East Anglia, so East coast, haha.

I tag everyone who's reading this right now! I'd love to read your responses to this tag!

Also, I've recently set up a Facebook page for my blog (here), would be grand if you could go over and give it a like! 

That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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