

by - 19:14

Hey guys!
So I'm well aware it's half way through January already (the time is just flying by omg) and this post has been way overdue but I'm doing it now! So this what's going to go down, there will be 4 photos for each month starting with January and will go up to October because I've done a month in Instagram for November and December already. :-) So enjoy this rather visual, maybe strange post.


1. Pretty sure I spent a week playing those games. || 2. The snow and icicles were so pretty omg. || 3. Joe came up to Dereham to visit me, aw. || 4. Accidently smashed my laptop screen.


1. This is why I shouldn't be allowed money. Gorgeous Ryan Gosling phone case, mm. || 2. Trekked up to Warrington for my cousin's 18th. || 3. Went to see Your Demise and had a lovely chat with Ed (lead singer) || 4. Dad was so amused by the photo booth app on my phone, hahaha.


1. Stayed round Rachel's with Karis and Billy, great night! || 2. A few weeks later we had another girly night, aw. || 3. I do not miss spending 3 hours doing music coursework at school. || 4. Okay so this was actually from November 2012 but I uploaded it again to my Instagram again in March so it's here okay. I went to see Bury Tomorrow in November 2012 w/Architects and Deez Nuts and met Dani Winter-Bates.


1. Went to Yo!Sushi with Karis and Rachel and I tried Chicken Ramen soup, yum. || 2. On the way back from Norwich with Karis and Rachel, we spotted Kieran on the bus so we went and sat with him, aw. || 3. Karis and I clearly enjoyed the chopsticks for kids (I don't know how to use actual chopsticks ok) || 4. My auntie and uncle came down from Warrington to visit us and we went on a boat trip along the Norfolk Broads.


1. Went to see Sleeping With Sirens and spent the majority of the time with Cara, she's the best, I only get to see her a couple of times a year though. :-( || 2. Dyed my hair purple the day before Slam Dunk. || 3. Leavers day at school with Daniel, miss him. || 4. Spent £50 at Slam Dunk on merch, £45 of that was spent of Man Overboard merch in particular, obsessed.


1. Went to see Pierce The Veil with Karis and Becky. || 2. Karis and I getting ready for Pierce the Veil. || 3. The venue is along the riverside so me and Shannon took a trip down the Riverside retail park for chicken (hahah) and I took this cute picture when we were walking over the bridge. || 4. Sitting in the sun with a glass of Pepsi Max and reading John Green seemed to be how I spent most of my days in the Summer.


1. Went to Norwich with Daniel and bumped into his dad and had a nice chat with him for about an hour, haha! || 2. Pre-prom photo. || 3. Went to Norwich with Shauna and I made her try and Mocha Frappuccino since she'd never tried one before. || 4. Prom photo with Will (small best friend and tall best friend, haha!)


1. An extremely drunken results party shinding at Rachel's house with Rachel, Karis, Matty, Hana, Jamie, Emily and Ellie. || 2 & 3. Went on holiday to Wiltshire and went to Wales for 2 days and went to the Doctor Who Experience in Cardiff but prior to going to Cardiff, we went on a Gavin & Stacey pilgrimmage to Barry Island and went to all of the Gavin & Stacey land marks, haha! || 4. Hopped on a train to visit Joe in Essexland for a couple of days.


1. I GOT GUINEA PIGS, they're called Anakin and Obi-Wan. || 2. Went to Norwich with Daniel, only this time he managed to set off every alarm in every shop we went to and we got shouted at by a staff member at the local 'alternative' shop and got accused of stealing stuff when actually, Daniel just sets off every single alarm, hahaha. || 3. Late night barbeque at Wing and a Prayer, we even had a pretty bonfire bin thing! || 4. I'm a bit obsessed with Hello Kitty, and that's only my college stuff, haha.

I hope you enjoyed this post! Don't forget to check out my November and December posts to see what I got up to over the festive season.

That's all for now,
Rachel. xo

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