
The Versatile Blogger Award.

by - 02:19

Hey guys!
So I was nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award by the gorgeous Becky at beckysbeautyfix. I don't know, it's nice that my blog's being recognised, especially since I've only been at it for a few months, so thank you, Becky!

If you're nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award, you've been awarded the award.
Thank the person who awarded you and include the link to their blog.
Nominate 15 bloggers who you think deserve the award, who you've recently discovered or read their blogs regularly. (You must include a link to their site).
Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself in your blog post.

I'd like to nominate:
1. Taylor (taylorscollectionn)
2. Vanessa (Citron and Guavaberry)
3. Charlotte (A Cageless Bird)
4. Sammeh (Odds and Sodz)
6. Taylor (What Taylor Buys)
7. Izzie (Izzisaur)
8. Georgia (Georgia Sarah)
9. Kyleigh (Girls Got A Face)
10. Gerry (Floral and Freckled)
11. Melody (A Simple Melody)
12. Holly (Holly's World)
14. Steph (Dose of Pretty)

7 Things About Me: 

1. I'm extremely passionate about mental health (if the blog wasn't obvious enough, haha!), I'd pretty much do everything I can to defend it and help with getting it away from the unneeded stigma it's always had.

2. I've suffered with social anxiety and panic disorder since I was about 12 due to bullying and depression since I was around 15.

3. Make up is one thing I like to think I'm fairly good at and I'm pretty proud of it.

4. I own two guinea pigs and I've named them after Star Wars characters, Anakin and Obi-Wan.

6. I'm absolutely petrified of clowns, if I even see a glimpse of a clown I get this awful stabbing pain in my stomach as if I'd seen the clown and it stabbed me with it's eyes or something, I see a clown and nearly burst into tears. Clowns are banned in this household.

7. I'm so short, it's crazy. I'm only 4'11", I'm sure I could be classed as dwarf, I'm not sure!

Again, thank you so much to Becky, I really appreciate it. And I look forward to reading you girls' blog posts regarding the Versatile Blogger Award! :-)

Thanks for reading,
Rachel. xo

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