

by - 16:14

Hey guys!

So it's safe to say this month has been pretty bad in the way of blogging. I've really not been motivated enough to post anything really, but it's that time of the month where I need to do a favourites post so here we go!

Songs I've been loving this month:
Of Mice & Men's new album came out a few days ago *squeal*, so I've been loving every song off that. You go pick that up on iTunes if you wish, 'Restoring Force' by Of Mice & Men ;o
I've been really loving Killswitch Engage this month also, so anything by them. (I'm listening to them now, as I type this.)
White Lies - Man Overboard.
Montrose - Man Overboard.
Frick Park Market - Mac Miller.
Dark Horse - Katy Perry.
Donatella - Lady Gaga.

Movies I've been loving this month:
Considering I've been doing practically nothing this month, I've watched hardly any movies this month which is disappointing, I've basically just been trying to watch the movies that are in my DVD collection that I haven't gotten round to watching yet.
American Psycho, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, Tangled, Aladdin, Superbad, American Pie 1 & 2, Carrie (2013).
I've pretty much been loving the same movies as last month but hey ho!

TV shows I've been loving this month:
Sherlock (DID YOU SEE THAT CLIFFHANGER??? OMG), RuPaul's Drag Race (Finished all 5 seasons in a week, wut) Oddities: San Francisco and Criminal Minds - love me some crime shows.

Video games I've been loving this month:
For the first half of January, Grand Theft Auto V controlled my life and now I've been stuck with a load of missions that I've rage quit on so I'm like 40% into the game and I've just kind of stopped playing it, oops. I literally haven't played any video games this month besides GTA, um oops.

Drinks I've been loving this month:
Shapers Sparkling Pink Grapfruit Juice (Boots own low calorie drinks, mm) and sparkling mango juice. I'm all about the juice this month.

Food I've been loving this month:
Gregg's sandwiches in general and Gregg's belgian buns, mm mm mm. Bless my mother for working there and getting a ridiculously good discount.

Make up items I've been loving this month:
Sleek I-Divine palette in 'Vintage Romance' and I don't care if this doesn't class as make up but the Real Techniques Core Collection, them brushes doe.

Life favourites:
Honestly? Nothing much. This month has been absolutely crap in the way of my mental health and my wellbeing in general. I actually thought 2014 would be a tad bit better and at the moment it's treated my awfully so, that's fun! One life favourite though is my friendship with Abbie, she's brilliant. She said to me after reading my new year's resolutions post that she would try to help me get out the house more and do stuff this year, and she's put up with me really well so far, I'm very grateful for her existence and it's people like her that brings back my faith in humanity. So Abbie, if you're reading this, I love you dearly and you're the best okay, you biaatch. ;o

Am I looking forward to anything next month?
I haven't got anything planned, no. I'd like to hope that next month I may have a job but hahaha that's not looking to great at the moment but oh well, I'm trying!

I hope you've all had a great January and 2014 is treating you well! I'd love to hear what you've been up to this month.

That's all for now, 
Rachel. xo

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